Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The OC Tuesday Evening Bender: The Four Horsemen Super Heel Theory

It seems that us guys here at The Brew City Beat and our pals at Our Turn Next are getting anxious/excited or something for the release of The OC Season 2 on Aug. 23 and the first episode of Season 3 on Sept. 8. Apparently nobody watched the re-runs of season duece all summer long because then there would be no reason to get excited for the DVD's release in few weeks. What? You mean you didn't want to watch episodes featuring Lindsay with commercials twice? In all actuality, The OC Season 2 was pretty bad, so I highly doubt many diehards re-watched those episodes. Watching Lindsay and her oboe once is plenty enough. But with all the mumblings of our favorite way to kill an hour as of late, my colleagues left me with no choice but to chime in. And I'm going to spend the better part of this column discussing the suddenly popular "Four Horsemen Super Heel" Theory.

Get it out of your heads. No way, no how. In case you haven't been actively following this blog and the Our Turn Next blog, there has been speculation that Trey is alive and well and he's going to conjure up a gang of outcasts to destroy Ryan. That gang would consist of Trey himself, Eddie, Oliver and Luke, who would do a heel turn again. Now I realize The OC is all about shock and awe, look no further than Julie Cooper humping Luke in season one and Marissa doing her best Ellen impersonation in season two (I'm straight, I'm a lesbian, now I'm straight again), this Four Horsemen theory is ridiculous and absurd and simply put, won't happen.

Does anyone, for one split second think these four could co-exist? You think having Shaq and Kobe on the same team was crazy? If the moons aligned correctly, at most you're getting Trey and Eddie (and if a wild card third moon enters the time continuum, Luke) could gang up. But Oliver? Sit and think about that one for just a moment...done? Good. Because dudes like Trey and Eddie (and Luke should he re-enter the scene) would de-capitate Oliver before he could get one of his penthouse patented "listen to how intelligent and clever I am" lines out of his mouth.

Oliver was hands down the preppiest, stuck-up prep of all the preppy stuck-ups on The OC. He'd get about four words out of his mouth and Trey would clobber him with the driftwood Marissa cold cocked him with because he's been saving it as a collectors item. Done. Four Horsemen theory put to rest. Get over it. Guys like Trey, Eddie and even Luke were all put on this Earth to detest guys like Oliver...Even in The OC. I know it isn't called or casted in The Midwest for a reason, but please. Let's not let some overdramatic fairy tale get in the way of good television watching here folks.

As for the prediction that Trey will return mid-season, to that I say you're way behind. The previews for the first episode of season three show Trey on a gurnee in the hospital with Ryan yelling at Marissa not to talk to the Five-Oh. The elder Atwood will be back in full no later than week four. It's a TV show, things move quickly, except for the fact that the main characters have been juniors two years in a row. Without further adieu...

1. Authorities will find traces of sleeping pills in the glass that Julie intended to give to Caleb but thought better of it, putting her at the center of yet another firestorm.

2. Kirsten will remain in the alcoholic clink for a few episodes.

3. A scene will be shot that shows Summer actually lives in a whole house and doesn't rent an efficiency.

4. Ryan will tell Marissa he needs some space after she dropped steel into his brother.

5. Trey will die. (hey, I wrote in my final predictions for season two and sometimes you gotta stick to your guns)


Justin said...

First of all Fabos, I never said it would last, if you would follow wrestling you'd know super heel groups never do because of ego. Will it happen, no, but you have to admit it was pretty well thought out and would be awesome to see. I do agree that season 2 was bad. It was horrible compared to season 1, and just bad overall. They went for way too much shock value and pretty much said "This will work because this show is so huge." That being said I'm still going to buy it on the 23rd. As for the predictions, one of these three will happen.

1. Tre dies, and Marissa gets locked up and essentially leaves the show.

2. Tre lives, but as you already said Ryan separates himself from her and says he wants some time, so Marissa pulls a Seth Cohen sabbatical "I'll sail away to end a season" and she leaves the show.

3. Marissa and Trey pull the wool over our eyes and hook up despite the fact that she shot him and he forced himself on her. (I know, yet another wrestling plot line.)
Devastated, Ryan Atwood leaves the show.

4. Kirsten Cohen continues her raging benders, ala Brothers Bar in La Crosse circa de 2004, and she gets in an accident while driving drunk. Kirsten dies.

Somebody is leaving the show. Here's the odds...

Marissa 3:1
Kirsten 7:1
Ryan 8:1
Summer 10:1
Julie 15:1
Seth 20:1
Sandy 50:1

If Ryan Atwood does leave the show, brace yourselves for "Chino" wednesdays at 8. Only on Fox. (I can already see the first promo.)

Damn you OC for running my life.

Todd said...

haha, wow, JG just all about having main characters leave the show. Do you really think they'd ax that big of a character in just their third season? I don't think they're big enough as a show just yet to pull a Baywatch and have one of their mega stars up and leave. But I think Jimmy's return will be incredibly short lived. That's one prediction I forgot to throw on there. I'm betting he's out by week 3 or 4. I've been dabbling with writing scripts in my free time, but I'm beginning to think we should pound out some hybrid pilot episode for a TV show.

And while I obviously agree that season two was pedestrian at best, oh boy can you bet to see me throwing elbows at high school girls ala Filzen in a Target store in West Salem to get a copy of the season on dvd. $50 for extras and character commentary? Sounds like a steal to me.

nate said...

First of all I'm not in West Salem, second of all, there is no Target in West Salem. There are however, 2 Target locations with in 5 minutes of my office, so I will no doubt be in there mixing it up with the high school girls from Menomonee Falls, and well, since the other store is on 124th and Capitol, probably won't be mixing it up with any high school girls there.