Monday, April 18, 2005

The Keg: Round One

My first three visits to The Keg couldn't have gone much worse. Well, the baseball part that is. After one week of baseball in Milwaukee, I attended three games and have witnessed zero victories. In fact, I've seen a total of three runs batted in, all off the bat of Brady Clark on a two out double vs. St. Louis on Saturday.

I got to the game last Tuesday vs. Pittsburgh with my pops after the Brewers had pushed two across in the first. Eight innings, zero runs witnessed. Saturday I saw the aformentioned three runs. 17 innings, three runs. And on Sunday, I came into The Keg in time to see Jim Edmonds great catch in centerfield, but if you're still paying attention, that was after the home team scored twice, bringing my week total to a dismal 24 innings and three runs.

I'm very fortunate to have had such a great time tailgating prior to both weekend games. If games at The Keg are still good for anything, it's great tailgating. On Saturday we made two signs. One read: "The Motley Brew Crew-Kickstart Miller Park." It was fairly well received, but not as much pop as it should have brought. Give it time. The second sign read: "Anheuser-Busch: Like drinking piss only more watered down." A very clever sign seeing as though the enemy Cardinals play in Busch Stadium. It was extremely well received by our fellow fans in the right field loge bleachers, but unfortunately not by security. It lasted exactly one inning until some deadbeat said because it said "piss" he had to take it away. I was blind with rage. I also brought along a beanie baby of a cardinal of which i tied a noose around it's neck and hung it. The crowd liked it, but the security guard in the Cardinals pen didn't. He promptly told me to stop hanging it over the Card's bullpen after about 1/3 of an inning. I was unaware that the bleachers were rated G at The Keg.

So I'm having serious second thoughts about returning to The Keg this season. Apparently the Crew can't score and loses whenever I'm there. On the other hand I would greatly like to witness at least one win. But digging oneself out of a 0-3 hole with the Brewers is no easy task. It might even be more daunting and unlikely than J.J. Hardy actually getting a base hit before the end of April.

I wish everyone better luck at The Keg than I have enjoyed thus far.


Justin said...

Fabos, I think the plan of attack is to not buy tickets to the game, but just pay for parking and tailgate instead. Thats when they seem to be scoring any runs, and you'll have a lot more fun anyway. That or just root for the opposing team, this might actually work because you may be bad luck.

Todd said...

I think I'm going to try the pay for parking and screw the game method. It just makes sense.