Monday, March 19, 2007

Top 10 Musical Montages

10. If You Leave - Nada Surf - Season One when Anna leaves Newport for Pittsburgh.

9. Something Pretty - Patrick Park - Season One when Cohen professes his 'like' for Summer on the coffee cart.

8. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley - Season One Finale with Cohen sailing away because Kid Chino returned to Chino.

7. Blue Light (Remixed) - Bloc Party - Season Three premier when Marissa gets Trey to admit Ryan didn't try to kill him, then leaves via bus and Ryan is embraced by Sandy as Trey leaves.

6. Wonderwall - Ryan Adams - Season one - Seth and Summer have a Come To Jesus Meeting about sex while Ryan tells Marissa he can't trust her any longer post Oliver.

5. Fix You - Coldplay - Season two - Seth gets to Summer at the Prom, Ryan shows up to find Marissa just in time, Caleb has a heart attack and Julie dives into the pool in attempt to save him.

4. Champagne Supernova - Matt Pond PA - Season two - End of the best episode in OC history, when everything went right, including the Spidey kiss.

3. Dice - William Orbit - Season one New Years episode when Ryan made the party with about one second to spare.

2. Hide and Seek - Season two finale - Trey gets capped.

1. Life's a song - Patrick Park - Series finale, finale scene in OC history.

1 comment:

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