Friday, August 19, 2005

Daily Brew 8/19

Randy Moss said that he has smoked pot in the past, and he "may" still do it. The biggest surprise here is that, at least according to him, he doesn't regularly smoke pot anymore. Is this really news? How many of us didn't think Moss toked? Lets not forget he lost his scholarships from Notre Dame and Florida State for grades, pot and fighting. He nearly ran a cop over in Minnesota and it was discovered pot was in the car. He says he never did it during the season, but last I checked that Minnesota incident occured in like November or December (during the season) and he did have marijuana in the car. In the ash try in a bag, that doesn't sound like he wasn't intending to use it, so I'm not buying that "I don't do it during the regular" season excuse. I might do it every once in a blue moon is how he put it when asked if he still does. That is priceless. I'm betting a blue moon is days not begining with sun, mon or sat. I'm personally calling for the Moss "once in a blue moon" Raiders poster, better yet, he just found the name for his autobiography.

Listen, we all know guys who still light the pipe, and are way too old to be doing it. We all have that friend with the goofy nickname who's still living in a college apartment, works part time, wears sweatpants and watches cartoons all day, so I don't really think this is a big deal. Yes it's illegal, but all the guys who call for Moss or Ricky Williams to have huge fines or suspensions levied on them have all tried pot too, or know someone like those guys. Why should we expect athletes to be different that what we are? Some guys do it, some guys don't, and some are hooked on it. Same can be said for all of us. I don't want anyone to read that argument I made for those guys and think I'm with them and I'm a big fan of the marijuana myself, I'm not. But, why is it that Randy Moss and Ricky Williams are catching as much hell as Ray Lewis did when he "allegedly" was involved in a murder? Look around your office right now, I garuntee you at least 1 out of every 6 guys in your office still uses marijuana. Again does this make it alright, no it doesn't, but lets not go pointing our fingers at the "pot head" players before we take a look around our surroundings.

Dave Bliss is a candidate for a CBA job. That is a joke, people should be more enraged about this than the above story. Why isn't this getting any pub? This guy should never work again, not only in coaching, but in society as a hole. He is a sorry excuse for a human being and what he did was aboslutely dispicable. He slandered the character of a dead man, covered up many unseedly things, and causes the biggest college sports scandal in the history of the NCAA. He should be in prison.

On a lighter note, the Crew got after the Rocket last night to the tune of five runs and picked up a huge win over the Astros 5-2. Game 2 of the four game set is tonight with Doug Davis taking on Wandy Rodriguez. Memo to Ned Yost, Rickie Weeks is not a lead off hitter. Just because your teams only leadoff guy is injured doesn't mean you bump Rickie up one slot. Find someone who can get on base to lead off. Hell let Bill Hall or Damian Miller lead off, but not Ricky Weeks. The biggest misconception about a leadoff hitter is that he needs to be fast, he doesn't. He just needs to see pitches and get on base.

Apparently Zeke is not going to land Dsagna Diop afterall, but he is going after a guy named James Jones? Exactly, this just goes to show you he may not always make the biggest mistake possible, but he'll at least make a big mistake. God love him.

I'm beginning to start to believe the Robert Ferguson trade rumors. Antonio Chatman has believe or not been steady and a reliable target for Favre, and they really like the young guys Terrance Murphy, Craig Braig and Andrae Thurman, especially Murphy. Ferguson has been steady, and a guy I've grown to love, but he looks like he's not going to be anything more than a third reciever, and they're paying him to start. I don't buy for one minute the "Ferguson and a pick to the Eagles for Coery Simon" talk, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone.

UW-Stevens Point mens basketball coach Jack Bennett has announced his retirement. Bennett has coached for 33 seasons, 9 at Point, and compiled a record of 200-56 while coaching the Pointers and led them to back to back Championships. His .781 winning percentage at Point is the second highest among all active D3 coaches and third highest in WIAC history.

I liked Gaddis' "Oliver Stone" conspiracy theory about Kobe and Jerry Buss, however I don't think Eagle, I mean Kobe and Jelly Beane (his pops) are on the best of terms, so I don't really think he'd get Henry Bibby fired so his dad could coach.

In a new feature to this site, Gaddis and are are going to take your questions in a column called WWZD, or What Would Zeke Do? You name the player, and the current contract and we tell you if Zeke signs him (usually does) and for how much (usually at least double what he's making now) or if he would pull the trigger on any proposed trades. It doesn't have to be just Basketball either. Let's assume Zeke is running every franchise for every major professional sports league. Send in the querries, this should be fun.

That's about all I got, can't wait till 5:00.


1 comment:

Todd said...

Allright JG, I'm officially pulling the plug on Victor Santos in the starting rotation. If I'm the manager I'm apologizing for not getting him any support when he was throwing well early and apologize for that contributing to him becoming a self-doubting, bad karma pitcher. I'm giving the ball to Jorge de la Rosa and praying he can read a book about what the strike zone is. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed going to the Big Brew Ha on Saturday night sporting a budweiser t-shirt in which I crossed out the Bud logo. Many a high fives were given to me for my efforts.