Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Time for a Change

"I found baseball is a big number of small businesses. I'm worried about suites, the quality of our turf, which is not ideal, how we drive ticket sales, how we brand the team, better camera angles on television. I could go on and on. I think about it every day on what we need to do. I love the challenge of it."

-Mark Attanasio

If this statement is true, and I have no reason to believe it is not, he need look no further than the TV booth for improvements needed. The Milwaukee Brewers, hands down, have the worst broadcast team in the game today. They are annoying, incompetent, and talk way too much. How does Bill Schroeder know so little about baseball when HEY PLAYED THE GAME!? And Darron Sutton, I love when he gives insight into pitching or tries to tell you about what a pitcher is doing and why. First of all he's usually wrong, and secondly why should I take pitching information from a guy who couldn't even hack it as a minor leaguer when he has the pitching gene is his blood?

You aren't doing radio, you're doing TV, I can see what's going on so you don't need to narrate for me. I don't want to hear about all your old days in Anahiem, I don't care about your old car that you sold to Bill's son, I don't care to hear about things you would only know about. I tune in to watch a baseball game, not hear you. If I wanted to hear someone call the game I'd listen to it.

Bill Schroeder is completey wrong a lot of the time in his analysis, take last nights game for example, Brady Clark caught a sacrafice fly and had a play at the plate, so he threw it and it was a close play. Bill Schroeder said it was a bad play by Brady Clark because it allowed the runner on first to advance to second. "Lyle's gotta cut that ball off." Hmmm Bill, they narrowly missed getting the runner out at the plate, and Lyle can't cut the ball off because he's gaurding the bag at first incase there is a play there. If there was going to be a cut off it would be by Ricky Weeks, and the ball was way to high to cut off. Just try, TRY to watch a full game. You can't, those two will drive you insane.

The Dodgers have one of the best play-by-play men in the history of baseball, Vin Scully. Scully does the first three innings on the radio, and then heads to the TV booth, while Charlie Stiener does the first three on TV and then heads to the radio booth. Why can't we do this with Powell and Uecker? I would love that, because I usually just watch the game on mute and listen to Jim and Bob anyway, but the whole TV delay thing gets annoying at times.

The entire FSN crew, with the exception of Craig Coshun is horrible. Bob Brainerd is the worst TV personality I've have personally ever seen. If you disagree with any of this, tell me why. Maybe I'm being a little too hard because I expect more from broadcasters, being a former broadcaster and personality myself. I don't know, but I doubt it. Let's start a petition if you will. If you feel the same way I do, post a reply that states your distaste for the broadcast team and we will forward this onto Mr. Attanasio and the rest of the Brewers organization.

1 comment:

nate said...

I completely agree. If you have ever watched a Brewer's game with me (and everyone who contributes to this site has) you know of my hatred for both Darren and Bill. I think Bill Schroeder is annoying and unwitty and Darren is living completely off of his dad's name. These guys shouldn't be announcing Major League Baseball, they shouldn't even be announcing the Montana 4-H horse show. They are absolutely terrible, and now that the Brewers are playing well, more people will realize this.

We all knew we were in trouble when Matt Vaskergian (sp?) left for San Diego, but this is ridiculous.

Bob Brainard needs to be gone. If they keep Darren and Bill on for another season, Brainard at least needs to be shown the exit. He brings nothing to the game at all, no insight, no new stories, just exactly what the producers told him to say in the pre-show meeting, nothing changes during the broadcast regardless of situation, just like Suzy Kolber, but that' sfor another day.

How about Justin Garcia and Nate Filzen in the booth? Okay, that's a stretch, but I garauntee we wouldn't be as bad as Darren and Bill.

The only comment I disagree with is that the Brewers have the worst booth in the game. Tune into a Cubs game some time and try and get through an inning listening to Len Casper and Bob Brenly, terrifingly bad.