Friday, May 06, 2005

The OC Friday Morning Hangover: The 2 hourpisode

Two hours of all new OC goodness. And what happened over the made for TV movie this week? Plenty. For the record, it wasn't a made for TV movie, but two hours is the going length for one of those glorious "movies." Still with me? Good. I believe we were left off two weeks ago thanks to our President's ill timed press conference with Ryan and Marissa locking lips. Two hours later, we're left with Trey snorting blow ala his 17-year-old hot skank and apparently thinking that raping Marissa is a grand idea. Now before you get your panties all into a bundle, he didn't actually rape her on the beach, but that's because Marissa grabbed a large piece of driftwood and greeted him with a haymaker to the forehead. That gave her enough time to finaggle herself free and flee.

But does either Trey or Marissa tell Ryan about it upon his return from Miami? Of course not. Because the younger Atwood always gets shat on. He and his brother appeared to have things in order and Trey trys to rape his girlfriend. Then when he and Marissa are finally having some much needed Season One pool house action, she starts having flashbacks of Trey forcing himself on her and mistaking Ryan for Trey. She stops the makeout session and tells Ryan, "This can't work, it's been too long, too much has changed." Enter puzzled look upon Ryan's face. So if you're doing the math, his brother has attempted sexual assult upon his girlfriend that in turn left him as a result of that. I'm really starting to feel bad for this kid.

Kirsten kissed Carter, rather passionately while Sandy and the boys were in Miami. And then when he actually rather gracefully exited to take a better magazine job in The NYC, Kirsten became an alcoholic. She put down her glasses of wine and picked up her giblets of vodka and made them strong enough to satisfy Bobby Huggins. When Sandy suspected her of drinking too much and it having something to do with Carter, Kirsten lied and said nothing happened. She then went to a bar and was overcome with the feeling of losing Sandy, so she took off the necklace Carter gave her and left her third freshly shaken dirty martini untouched at the bar, drove home, called Sandy on his cell and wept how she's been wrong and she loves him. She apparently didn't hear him say to stop driving and he'll pick her up because the two hour OC romp ended with Kirsten's ride getting lambasted by a dump truck, flipping the car over. I guess the writers of the show like to throw drunken car crashes in near the end of a season. (Remember Luke in Season One?)

Seth and Summer (did you like how I buried my first reference to my favorite couple a few paragraphs into this bad boy?), well mainly Summer, decided she needed a timeout from Cohen, which when placed over the same time frame as his jaunt to Miami, probably wasn't the best idea. Seth gets conned into doing one of those MTV "guy licks whipped cream off body of token drunk girl" bits and of course Summer is tuned in back in Orange County. And she oh so conviently happened to be having dinner at Zach's house at the time. Upon seeing her favorite Jewish high schooler making an ass of himself on TV, she commenced making out with Zach on the spot. Ok, I'm not as upset as you might think, because I'm pretty sure almost everybody saw that one coming. What was hilarious was watching Zach officially admit he's going to stop being nice to get Summer back. They now have a war going on between them and neither is winning because Summer said she's picking neither of them. Ok, but I guess she will seeing as next week is prom and they're all in their second year of being juniors.

Caleb filed for his divorce from Julie and fired her. I thought it was a pretty funny scene watching Caleb systematically tear down his wife, with the same precision Filzen showed G. Williams the door, telling her he's had people following her sexual exploits since she was humping Luke. "It was her ex-boyfriend," she said. I thought it was funny.

I'm sure I've left some things out because there were two hours worth of fun last night. But I think that covers the gist of it. I have high hopes for the final two episodes, mainly because I don't think the producers can have another season end with Seth and Summer AND Ryan and Marissa on the outs. Catch you next week, but only for an hour.

1. Who will Summer pick for the prom? My guess is Zach, but Cohen will get her back. The stage is set for Cohen. Prom night, c'mon on. It seriously say's Seth all over it. (If I'm wrong on this one, I'll be devastated.)


3. Did Marissa's little sister die? I know she was only in like, two episodes thoughout two seasons, but when Julie always refers to saying, "me and my girls will have nothing," only to have Caleb say, "and I want you and your daughter out of the house in a week." I think I may have caught a production error.

4. Will Julie actually kill Caleb to get a slice of his money?

5. Will Filzen walk away from his Steve Sax Yankee's now that they suck?

6. Who in the hell will Ryan believe about what happened between Trey and Marissa?

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