Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What the Brewers (administration) should do

Opening Day in the Brew City is just a few days off. I can't help but wonder how many people are calling in sick for work on Monday and planning on going to work on Tuesday with a hangover. The baseball operations department of the Brewers seems to be going out their jobs in a positive way, but the higher ups in the administration could probably still use some pointers.

While the team did draw over 2 million fans in attendance last year, Milwaukee is certainly not selling out Miller Park any more often than Opening Day and the Cubs series with any regularity. Here are just a few thoughts for some of the suits to consider:

Plug Miller Park as "The Keg." It's a great nickname for a stadium named after the best domestic brewery in the nation. (Take that St. Louis).

Offer beer specials. This one may be easier said than done because I'm not familiar with MLB policy, but if it isn't outlawed by Bud Selig, once again, it just makes sense for a park named after barley pop in the Brew City. What better way in the city of Milwaukee to put butts in the seats? Oh yeah, the team is also named after drinking beer as well.

Free parking in stadium lots after the first inning is over. A good way to reach out to the faithful showing up, albeit a tad late.

BrewersNation. See previous post. Go with it.

More bobble head nights. Apparently people show up in droves to get a bobble head. I realize there are only a handful of players left that warrant having their head bobbling that aren't already cannonized, but if Marquette can give away Dwyane Wade paraphanalia every year until probably the year 2025 (or until they have a solid team again, which ever comes first) then why not more Robin Yount and Gorman Thomas goodies?

General Admission nights in the Terrace level, or All U Care to Drink nights in the Terrace. Anything that can be offered to fans for the terrible sight lines in the upper deck would be much appreciated. Never sat in the Terrace before? I'll bet you a coke you have a rail in your sight line.

With that, I offer the suits at Miller Park some friendly advice. I'm expecting my email inbox to overflow with follow ups from big wigs with the Crew.

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